Students will look at the balance of carbon among the systems and construct an explanation of how the movement of carbon can result in changes to the system.


ESS.3.5 Develop and use a quantitative model to describe the cycling of carbon among Earth’s systems. Emphasize each of Earth’s systems (hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and biosphere) and how the movement of carbon from one system to another can result in changes to the system(s). Examples could include more carbon absorbed in the oceans leading to ocean acidification or more carbon present in the atmosphere leading to a stronger greenhouse effect. (LS2.B, ESS2.D, ESS3.D)

Lesson Performance Expectations

  1. Students will complete a model of the carbon cycle including quantitative data.
  2. Students will look at the balance of carbon among the systems and construct an explanation of how the movement of carbon can result in changes to the system.